As the Chinese have done for thousands of years, your garden must be arranged in a specific order for you and your family to raise the level of chi, or the flow of energy, within your landscaped area. By accomplishing the proper arrangement of garden elements, you add positive energy to your home and your life. The goal of the Feng Shui Garden is to raise the level of energy (chi), and rid your outdoor environment of barriers. You must use cures that prevent energy from becoming trapped or stagnant. The positive energy must flow freely, just like the curving, free-flow walkways that will adorn your garden. Keep in mind, Feng Shui principles, rooted in Yin and Yang, may be applied to any garden style, not just Oriental Gardens.
Feng Shui Garden Elements: An excellent method to applying the principles of Feng Shui to your garden is to create a placement map, or grid, for your yard or landscaped area. This guide is known as Bagua, an octagon with nine Life Sectors that correspond to the aspects of your own life. The Bagua reveals: Career, Knowledge, Family, Wealth, Fame, Relationships, Children, Helpful People, and Health/Well-Being (T’ai Chi). The nine sectors must be placed correctly in your garden for proper chi. By incorporating the five elements—Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, and Fire—in your garden, and making sure they are all present and in balance, the landscape brings positive energy to your life. The proper method to plan a Feng Shui garden is to divide your yard into nine sectors, using the Bagua as a roadmap or template. So you understand this concept, some examples are: a) good locations for your water element feature is North (Career/Life’s Path), east (Health/Family) or Southeast (Money/Abundance); b) an excellent location for rock formations or a sand/rock Zen Garden is the Northeast (Earth element); c) a children’s play area should be in the West sector of your yard; and d) garden lighting (fire element) should be accentuated in the South, Northeast, and Southwest. The sound of wooden and metal wind chimes is important, as is flowing water.
Feng Shui Garden Plants: Soft-leaved evergreens, citrus, fruit trees, flowering vines, and herbaceous perennials are welcome. Plants with thorns are unwelcome. Everything from roses to cactus must be avoided. Colorful leaves and flowers bring healing harmony and joy to your garden.
Feng Shui & Garden Maintenance: As the homeowner, you must make sure the landscaped areas are in well-maintained condition. No broken pots or furniture. The outdoor areas should be alive with cared-for blooming, fragrant trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. No wild or unattended plants allowed.